The last proofreading session before publishing

Diving into the last proofreading session for my upcoming novel in the Detective Raya Ray series before the manuscript goes for publishing. Launch expected between May end-mid June’24. Fingers crossed. Hope things go as per plan.

My room with a wonderful view

The official announcement of my upcoming book in the Detective Raya Ray series

A couple of years have passed since I released my debut thriller introducing Detective Raya Ray. While I started writing the next in the series soon after and was signed on by one of India’s leading literary agencies, The Book Bakers, I wanted to create a puzzle to challenge Raya and also the reader’s crime-solving skills. Dissatisfied with two manuscripts, I decided to move away from the book and enrolled for my third master’s, MFA in creative writing, in Nov 2019. Post-completion of the course, I had a fresh perspective of looking at a new Raya Ray story.

With Suhail from The Book Bakers

‘Diary, Deceit, and Death – Raya Ray Returns’ took shape in the form of a manuscript, which The Book Bakers successfully placed to one of the country’s top publishers Vishwakarma Publications.

Continue reading “The official announcement of my upcoming book in the Detective Raya Ray series”

Happy New Year 2023

Beginning the year with the official announcements related to my upcoming books.

Goa, Oct’22 – signed the contract for book 2. (Raya’s second case)

Kolkata, Dec’22 – signed the final agreement for book 3. (a true crime story and my first commissioned writing project)

2022 was the year of fitness and ‘behind the scenes’ for me. Wrapped up the year with immense gratitude, happiness, and love.

Fingers crossed that 2023 will bring more success, joy, and peace and provide ample reasons to celebrate.

Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful New Year. May all your dreams come true in 2023. Stay healthy, stay safe.

I’ll update the status of the books as and when I have news about them to share. Stay tuned for further details.