Z for Zooming Out

I feel a mixed bag of emotions as I write the last post in the A2Z challenge 2019.  I had finished my first A2Z challenge last year by balancing my writing with the needs of a toddler who started preschool in the first week of April 2018. This year, it became a little more difficult as the toddler moved on to a new school and I was left juggling between multiple tasks. Between getting the kid ready for school, preparing his breakfast and dropping and picking him up from school, I was left with limited time to write my posts daily and read some great pieces from my fellow bloggers. Probably that is why I feel an extra dose of happiness on reaching the finishing line for the second consecutive year. 

Taking some time off from the roller coaster ride of school admissions
Taking some time off from the roller coaster ride of school admissions

When I chose the theme of school admissions, I had no idea if I had experienced enough number of situations to convert them into posts for twenty-six days. I must mention that none of these real-life stories seemed funny when we were going through the experiences. My father often says that when we look back at life in retrospect, we often find a lot of instances that could have been handled in a very different way if we could have added a pinch of humor to them. I realized the depth of this statement only after I started writing this series. There are so many times when I published a post and then thought to myself, ‘What made me react so much to rejection?’ or ‘Why was I affected the most by this new phase in Tuneer’s life?’

I have always been a rank holder in my student life. In the last trimester of B-school, I was a part of a handful of students who had been already recruited from the campus. Ideally, I should have enjoyed the time like the rest of the recruited group. Instead, I diverted my attention to academics and topped the last trimester with one of the highest ever GPA in the history of the institute. Pondering on this trivia, I realized that it neither made any difference to my Banking job nor did anyone else remember that except me. But it still made me happy because I did it out of my love for academics. Today, I am a writer by profession. Neither of my post graduation degrees makes me a specialist in my chosen field of work today. They definitely add value to my learnings making me wish to complete the third post graduation in creative writing. Someday I hope I can connect these dots. 

On the other end of the spectrum lies my husband. He’s been a topper all through school before making it to the prestigious Calcutta Medical College. He has a first class in his MBBS but he doesn’t even bother to remember if he ever ranked in his medical school. Yet he is one of the best professionals in the medical fraternity. His love for learning exceeds beyond the theoretical world of books. He had completed his M.D. after our marriage and it amazed me to see him never fret about marks or ranks. If there is something that bothers him even today, it is the fear of stagnancy in his knowledge and skills.

Leaving for school with his new best friend
Leaving for school with his new best friend

If there’s anything that the last few months have taught us, it is the importance of the quality of acceptance. As an aggressive person with a go-getter attitude, I had made the biggest mistake of assuming that Tuneer’s admissions were part of my own battles. But in reality, it is he who had to navigate his way through this brouhaha. All that we could do was to guide him in this process. Until the last week, I had been worried about his struggle to settle down in this new phase of life. I saw him in tears for a whole week before the tears suddenly dried up and were replaced with a neutral expression. He seemed accepting of the fact that traveling with friends to school in a pool car was fun. In the last four days, he has made five friends, one of whom is his new best friend now. Last morning, both he and his best friend smiled and waved at us as the pool car started the journey to school. It made my heart skip a beat as a drop of tear rolled from my eyes.

The beginning of a new friendship, assisted by Lollipops
The beginning of a new friendship, assisted by Lollipops

Ma would often tell me about how much she missed the tiny daughter she had given birth to. I would always find it silly. Last night when Tuneer kissed me good night, I had a faint realization of how it must have felt to see a piece of your heart growing up so fast. Very soon, he would outgrow the phase of snuggly cuddles and sloppy kisses and I would be left with just some memories of innocent toddlerhood. I sincerely hope that I retain my usual mental strength to cope up with those phases. Sr. T, however, has a different opinion here. He feels that the boy inspired by his set of friends is moving towards becoming more like his parents (read: naughtier with time). He is quite confident that sometime in the future, I would come back with a new series in another A2Z challenge to write about the boy and his adventures that are expected to make my black hair turn grey (I already feel the vibes). 

Before I zoom out from this year’s Blogchatter A2Z challenge, let me take this opportunity to thank all those who chose to be a part of my journey. Your comments and feedback motivated me to keep going. The biggest take away from this challenge has always been new friends in the fraternity and I hope that we keep inspiring each other’s writing expeditions beyond this challenge. I plan to go back to working on my second Raya Ray novel from the next month onwards (after a mini-break though). Do let me know what are your plans in the coming few months.

All the posts in this series are available here

Author: Sonia Chatterjee

Who am I? An erstwhile banker turned blogger/writer/author. Any qualifications? A Post-Graduate degree in Chemistry followed by a second Post-Graduate Diploma in Management. I completed a one-year MFA in creative writing course from the Writer's Village University, U.S. in Dec 2020. Though I must admit that I am still trying to figure out how and when I can connect all these dots. Have I done any real work? If two years in market research, six years in banking as a branch head, three-plus years of blogging, writing, and publishing a book can be considered as real work, then yes! Where do I live? After spending life like a nomad for sixteen years in Delhi, Bangalore & Mysore, I am back to where it all started from - Kolkata. My favorite things - Books, coffee, travel, food, and my five-year-old son. What is this blog about? Through Sonia's musings, I intend to explore writing in various genres, create social awareness, spread laughter, and give words to emotions. Anything for readers? You can check out my book 'Deal of Death' on Amazon Kindle. If you like fast-paced thrillers, this Detective fiction introducing the woman sleuth, Raya Ray could turn out to be your perfect weekend read.

52 thoughts on “Z for Zooming Out”

  1. Time goes fast! That too it starts running when kids enter school. You will not even realize the passing years amidst their grades and other school activities. I enjoyed reading your posts Sonia 🙂 Some of the things you mentioned were new to me some things made me nostalgic. Much love to Tuneer 🙂 I’m sure he will turn up like his parents in academics.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts Sanjota. This series has made me reflect on my own attitude towards situations and revise my behavior for the better. Heartfelt gratitude for being a part of my journey.


  2. I am perplexed by the way you presented each and every incident in detail and with a pinch of humor that it became a ritual for me to look forward to these anecdotes. Your kid is a gifted child and has many barriers to break in the future but for a parent, the chapter called worry would always stay. The journey was indeed a taxing one for the chaos and busy schedules face by us all, yet the spirit to cheer and support was unparalleled.
    Like I’ve always said, your posts are long but uber smooth and the flow glides through. Hope to keep in touch and wish you all the best.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I feel privileged to be a part of your journey as you relived Tuneer’s pre-school admission procedures. I really liked all your heartfelt posts. You were so worried in the middle as he started his new school. I (as had many more) reassured you that he would settle down, which he did!

    Children find their way in the world. As parents we can help them navigate, but we cannot live their lives for them.

    I hope you will continue to get that PG deg you like. Be proud of your academic achievements even if no one remembers. They show your dedication to learning.

    Looking forward to your next book. I will be there dogging your blogging steps!
    Much love and respects!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sonia, the loveliest post of all. And I am awed by your academic record. Wish you and your family all the very best. Thanks for your companionship on this journey. Hope to connect more over writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Enjoyed reading this series, Sonia. Took me back to some of the struggles I faced when my sons were young. Also yes to each of the musing that you’ve shared. As parents while it is super frustrating, these phases are so amazing. One day they grow up and you wonder where the time went. It’s wonderful that we are consciously carving our own identities based on our passions. I wish you the best of luck for your second book and for that PG some day! I know you will ace both.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The entire series was so relatable and lively. Although its true that if we look back we realize the situation could have been handled better, however how and what we do at the moment and the way we react to situations makes us humans. you have done a fantastic job a s a mum, at least someone has to push the kid for excellence. I am sure we all love you that way only. good luck with all your future endeavors. enjoyed the series thoroughly.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It has been such a lovely experience reading your journey of Tuneer’s school admissions Sonia… There were times when i could relate so much and the other times i felt the need to express the unhappiness about the irrelvenace of the school admission procedures in our country…But all in all i was engaged through out… I have said it earlier… i feel happy to have found you through Blogchatter… I enjoy reading what you write… n you wd see me here often…See u

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you dear Kushal for choosing to be a part of my journey. Your encouragement through comments and feedback kept me going strong. Also, I applaud you for the kind of work you have been doing through this challenge. Hoping to read more of your work in the future soon.


  8. Sonia I love your honesty here. Quite often we take our children’s achievements (or lack thereof), as a reflection of ourselves- I’m guilty of it too!
    I loved connecting with you through this challenge because I went through the same phase in the last few months. Looking forward to reading your novel, do let me know if it’s available for purchase online.
    Congratulations on completing your second AtoZ. I will certainly be back for more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad that these posts resonated with you as well. Most of the times, we realize that we could have handled a situation in a much better way only in hindsight.
      Deal of Death is still in out of stock status. I intend to bring it on Amazon in a new format by May end. You will be one of the first ones to receive the link.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I can understand. The first day my daughter started going to school I was more nervous and upset just for the fact that she is growing up rather quickly. Sometimes I want the time to freeze but I guess that is not possible. All the best to you for your future endeavours. It was great reading Tuneer’s admission saga. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It is such a beautiful realisation packed in simple words – the successes of our kids seen as our own! I believe it is really hard to separate yourself from someone you are so connected with. Only these small realisations make you take a step back and realise, probably with a smile that it is all a part of young Tuneer’s journey and he is sure growing up fast to pick up his own battles and frame a personality of his own.. A very nice post.


  11. Like all great journeys, this years one month extravaganza has ended. Great message you gave, son’s battle need not be construed as mothers battle. Let us wait eleven more months to see what adventures Tuneer and his mother has in store for us. Till then, goodbye and god bless.


  12. This last one is so much different from the previous ones because it made me emotional…while reading the sixth para.
    It was really good to know about Sr T.
    The flow of life creates so many emotions and memories…
    It was really nice to go read your experiences throughout this journey.
    by the way, generally i dont make future plans , i just follow towards which life indicates.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I totally agree with what your father says. Often, when I look back, I actually kick my butt for reacting in a certain way or letting an incident affect me so. Had I taken it in my stride with some humour , I wouldn’t have felt so miserable.

    Wishing little Tuneer the very best for the new phase in his life and to you too, Sonia. Do chill, mamma! Your kiddo can take care of himself. 😛


  14. Through this challenge , I had a peep into your life. Tuneer and you became a part of my reading . His admissions , your pains and reactions combined with a dash of humour made the read very interesting. And as I look back into my son’s admission to professional college, I wish i had squeezed a dash of humour and relaxation to the whole procedure. Thanks Sonia for being a regular visitor on my blog.


    Liked by 1 person

  15. I enjoy reading parenting journeys of other moms as I could relate with it. Some times I compare myself with them just to check If I had not missed anything. Your complete series was fun to read and I’m gonna complete few missed posts.. Congratulations on completing the challenge and wish you all the best.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Confession time! When you shared your theme I was sure I would politely read the first post and not go any further. As someone who is not a parent, I wondered how I could identify with your theme
    from the post itself, I was hooked, Sonia! Your brilliant writing kept getting me curious abot ‘what next?’ and I waited for a fresh post everyday.
    I loved how you’ve shared the trials and tribulations parents and children go through, garnishing it, and perhaps seven softening the blow, with your intelligent writing and sense of humor.
    What a pleasure it was reading you all this month. I live in hope that i will soon see a book by you on the shelves of book stores all over!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Confession time here as well. I would look forward to every single comment from you because I knew how invested you stay in posts that you like. I can’t thank you enough for your constant support and encouragement. And your Chennai series is as close to my heart as my bestie who hails from the same city.


  17. Sonia, I loved each and every post you wrote in this challenge. I was always intrigued about so many winner badges on your blog walls, but finally I know the reason.
    Your grip on writing is water tight man, I love the way you narrate stories and real life incidents. You have a fan of your writing here for life.
    So happy to be part of this challenge, and read daily from you. Good luck for the novel I am so eager to read it soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And I have always been a huge admirer of your work. Just that I never had a chance to tell you this before. The best part about this challenge was to find my soul sister in you. And I know that our friendship is definitely much beyond this challenges. Someday I really hope to meet you in person.


  18. Congratulations on completing this challenge for the second consecutive year!
    I enjoyed reading your posts and truly speaking it has been very insightful for me. I agree that kids grow up very fast as my parents keep telling me how they miss my childhood.
    As for academics, I think we share the same journey. Even I topped and I started working in a bank, those grades hardly affected my career. I felt we all (colleagues) were at a level playing field in the corporate world and one has to work equally hard to climb the rung.
    Wish you the best for your Novel. Hope to read it soon. Take care 🙂
    Read my Z post here ZEST


  19. A fitting finale to what has been an engrossing and absorbing series of posts! I have enjoyed reading your work every day – the emotions, the fears, the challenges, and the sheer relatability of it all. Wishing you all the best for the months ahead, and I will eagerly await everything that comes from your stables ❤


  20. I liked whatever you said in this post. Time flies and we often look to relive some moments gone by or wish that time freezes. I think it must be mixed feelings for you to see your son grow up so quickly! All the best to him and to you in this new phase! Congratulations on completing the challenge 🙂


  21. Well sometimes we get too engrossed in the thing at hand that we lose the bigger picture and most of the times we forget why we wanted to do that thing in the first place and not have fun while doing it. I totally agree with your fathers’ perspective. Over the past year that we have bonded you would have made it that how important humor is for me and I believe humor has the strength to pull anyone out of grimmest of situations.
    Hopefully the bond will thrive in the future too. All the best for Raya Ray 2. Great theme – Great Post – Big hug.
    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Congratulations on completing the challenge second time in a row Sonia. I haven’t read all your posts as I have been travelling but this last post is so wonderful that I am inclined to read more.


  23. I loved your each and every post of the journey. I am on the way again, searching for my favourite blogger’s posts and reading those all. Congratulation for completing the journey in such a unique way.


  24. Pleased I found your blog Sonia, I’m visiting after the fact but there is more time to pause, enjoy then pause some more to comment. Really enjoyed this post and I’ll be back in the time ahead to read more of your writing. Linda 🙂


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